About Us

Providing urban and wildland defensible space

LandWorks provides urban and wildland defensible space for Northern California. We are a family owned company with a concentrated knowledge in fuel reduction, covering Northern California.

LandWorks specializes in landscaping with consideration to fire suppression, through informed and measured vegetation management. Safety, predictability, and the protection of life/property are top priorities. We’re here to show this doesn’t have to translate to a barren landscape in order to comply with defensible space or when creating more predictable landscapes during wildfire season.

We believe there can be a harmony in vegetation management, balancing between aesthetics, maintaining privacy, allowing for erosion control, and preserving habitat. We offer management and planning services to both public and private entities.

Whether you have a 10,000 acre long-term defensible space management project that requires mowing or masticating or a small private backyard within a community needing fuel reduction, we will do it all.

Our Story…

Base of Operations
Petaluma, CA

Favorite Species
Cotinus coggygria

Favorite Magazine
Northern Tool

Ecology Thought
“Humans shape themselves through decisions that shape their environments.”
-Rene Dubos

Our Services

Fuel reduction and defensible space projects

Mastication and vegetation management

Erosion control

Drainage work

Riparian corridor reconstruction

Remote trail-building and maintenance

Water collection, storage retention and distribution for emergency and non-emergency purposes

Community defensible space planning including but not limited to evacuation

Revolving vegetation management planning and maintenance

Working in concerted efforts with local fire agencies

Multi-acre projects mowing and mastication

Poison oak removal and management